Take advantage of current pricing and exclusive launch promotions to experience the revolutionary benefits of the PASS Profile™. Elevate your communication skills and stand out. Transform your voice, transform your life.
Below is a breakdown of offerings. Take the assessment now or contact the PASS Profile™ Team today with questions about how to leverage your unique speaking style!
PASS Profile™ Assessment includes 72 question sections, generates a 15-20 page report, sent via email as a .pdf file.
PASS Profile™ Assessment, Voice Brand Alignment (limited availability)
PASS Profile™ Assessment, Voice Brand Alignment, One-Hour Consultation
Copyright © 2024 PASS Profile™ and Ted's Voice Academy - All Rights Reserved.
The Personal Authentic Speaking Style (PASS) Profile™, including its methodologies, questionnaires, analyses, and all associated content, are proprietary and confidential trade secrets of Ted’s Voice Academy. Unauthorized use, duplication, dissemination, or disclosure in any form, without the express written permission of Ted Chamberlain, is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. #communications coaching #public speaking #personal authentic speaking style